Original Strength Pressing RESET Certification

Learn how to strengthen the nervous system and reset the body. Achieve your physical goals easier and reveal untapped strength within your body.

What is the purpose of a Pressing RESET Certification?

This Original Strength Pressing RESET Course is intended for anyone who wants to move better. While the course o1ers health, wellness, fitness and education professionals the ability to earn a certification and continue their education, it is also appropriate for the everyday person who wants to know how to move better to live life better and stronger.

The OS Pressing RESET Certification also lays the foundation for the OS Pro RESET Certification which is geared toward health and fitness professionals, as well as those who just like to know more of the reasons why OS is so e1effective for so many.

What is included in the Certification?

During the 7-hour OS Pressing RESET Certification, participants will be moving and doing what they can while they learn:

Internationally recognized Original Strength will introduce their cutting edge movement restoration techniques, called Pressing RESET, at a certification to be held at Centrum Kettlebell Kraków. Featured by The Washington Post, The Hu2ngton Post and CNN, these techniques are based on the idea of Pressing RESET. You can press reset on your body by tapping into your nervous system to restore mobility and youthful potential.

Positive, even amazing results have been reported where OS RESETS were implemented and performed regularly. The resets are suitable for everyone and require little time or space to perform and zero equipment.

As the foundation for all other strength training, movement systems, human development, physical restoration and overall life improvement systems, Original Strength’s mission is to give health and fitness professionals all the tools necessary to help their clients and patients achieve the best possible outcome.

The Original Strength System applies three key principles which make up each of their “Big 5 RESETS”. Similar to a computer or mobile phone, when it locks up or stops functioning normally, you reboot or Press RESET allowing it to go back to its original state and again function as it should. Some people see changes in a very short time, others over a longer period, but everyone experiences changes if Pressing RESET regularly and consistently, even for just a few minutes a day.

“Tapping into our reflexive strength with the Original Strength program, is one of the few programs that our team at Johns Hopkins has found meets the foundational needs of virtually every single patient population we see. Our patient populations consist of medically complex patients with cancer, musculoskeletal, neuro, amputees, or transplant and from professional athletes, to the active aging. It is simple to integrate and we are systematically training all of our outpatient providers and support sta2 including students, rehab techs, residents, and therapists.” 

– Ken Johnson, Director of Outpatient Physical Therapy, Johns Hopkins

We will teach you how to use the human developmental system to understand why your client may move in a particular way or may be stuck getting to the next level.  In this certification, you will learn how and why the human body is capable of remembering its original design for movement.

You will be able to use what you learn on yourself, clients of any age, health or physical condition (as long as they are medically cleared to live).

This certification will help you change lives, possibly even yours.

Squats got deeper, toes got touched (some for the first time), vestibular systems got dusted off and put to good use, and most importantly, the fundamental birthright of human movement got reclaimed in some way, shape, and form by every person.

It was a thing of beauty.
Aleks Salkin
My career changed when Tim Anderson became my partner at workshop years ago. These radicals simple techniques that Reser, Pattern and Tie the X have become staples of my gym… of my life.

Tim’s advice to me to „reset” between sets allowed me to come out of retirement and crush state records in Olympic lifting.
Dan John

A typical OS Pressing RESET attendee is a Health, Fitness, or Education Professional.

Some have been in their profession for many years, others are new. Some work in niche markets such as seniors or certain neuromuscular diseases and others work with professional athletes, and others work with pre/post-surgical patients or stroke victims.

A common thread in all attendees is the desire to help their clients, whoever they are, improve and achieve more significant results. This diverse mix is also part of what makes the certification so rewarding for our attendees.

The mission of Original Strength is to bring the hope and strength of movement to Every Body in the world.

We believe that applying three key principles of human movement can strengthen the nervous system and reset the body.

3 key principles of human movement

The human body and its functions have been studied extensively, making it one of the most scientifically researched subjects in the world. The nervous system can return to the original operating patterns of the body due to neuroplasticity. The OS system focuses on how the body was created and how it is affected by the nervous system, starting with the human developmental system present in every human since birth.

Reserve your spot for Certification!

Master Instructor

Fabio Zonin

Fabio is an OS Master Instructor, StrongFirst Master Instructor, former natural bodybuilder, and powerlifter. He has been a Master Instructor and Member of the Advisory Board of FIF (Italian Federation of Fitness) for almost two decades.

He has authored numerous manuals and videos for FIF instructor certification courses, as well as articles for Italian strength, fitness, and bodybuilding magazines.

Fabio is a former vice president of AINBB (Italian Association of Natural Bodybuilding) and a consultant to leading Italian companies in the fields of sports equipment and nutritional supplements.

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